Disciple Making
Showing 1–12 of 24 results
Basics of Faith Formation
Christian Education
From the Guidelines for Leading Your Congegation series
Covenant Discipleship Bundle
Desarrollo de un Sistema de discipulado intencional: Una guía para el ministerio con la juventud – Versión en español
Developing an Intentional Discipleship System: A Guide for Youth Ministry - Spanish version
Desarrollo de un sistema de discipulado intencional: Una guía para el ministerio con la niñez – Versión en español
Developing an Intentional Discipleship System for Children - Spanish version
Developing an Intentional Discipleship System for Children
Developing An Intentional Discipleship System: A Guide for Congregations
All Language Editions
Developing an Intentional Discipleship System: A Guide for Youth Ministry
Disciples in the Marketplace: Seeing Grace at Work
Group Discussion Guide [Sampler]
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Discipleship as Care
Echar raíces: Fundamentos para la madurez en el discipulado cristiano
Take Root: Foundations for a Mature Christian Discipleship